So, you probably haven’t noticed (because nobody really does notice when someone goes offline for a bit, do they?) but I’ve been a bit quiet these past few weeks. I’m not apologising. Not just because I just read a post on … Continue reading
So, you probably haven’t noticed (because nobody really does notice when someone goes offline for a bit, do they?) but I’ve been a bit quiet these past few weeks. I’m not apologising. Not just because I just read a post on … Continue reading
Well, I never did get around to writing the second instalment of my post about my trip to Sweden, did I?! It seems like a long time ago now, but suffice to say that I’m hoping to go back sometime, because … Continue reading
Its been a while so I thought it was about time I did another post to share my latest creations – bulb boys and black cats. This probably goes to show, in case you need any convincing, how my work … Continue reading
Is spring in the air? Well, no. It’s blimmin’ January. We still have at least another couple of months of winter to go. As I am typing this the rain is lashing against the windows and at gone 8 o’clock in … Continue reading
Well, my Christmas shop update has happened! As I write this there are just two items (one of which is Agatha the Chicken Lady, pictured below) remaining in my shop. HUGE and heartfelt thanks to everyone who has looked and … Continue reading
Oh my goodness, I have just realised that I am a late starter and that the run-up to Christmas has seemingly taken me by surprise this year! Having been bimbling through the summer not making very much, just dipping in whenever … Continue reading