Well, I had a lovely birthday, as it turned out. It seemed to stretch over about ten days in all, what with the trip to Copenhagen, followed by a few days in Cornwall. Oh, and there was a mini-celebration when I got home … Continue reading
Category Archives: blogging
angels and demons
I have to say, I was amazed at the response to my last blog post. It seems I hit a nerve, and my feelings and words resonated with quite a few people. Many others, it seems, have been where I am now, or … Continue reading
lost and confused
Over Christmas I took a bit of a break from making and selling. At the time I felt I deserved the break. I’d been making quite a lot, both for commissions and fairs, and was glad to have some time to kick … Continue reading
forward thinking
I’ve been a bit absent from my blog for a while over Christmas. In fact, I’ve been absent from the internet almost entirely, give or take a few Instagram photos, over the entire festive season. This would have been unthinkable … Continue reading
blog crush: my vintage avenue
I don’t have as much time to read blogs as I used to. Or rather, I don’t seem to manage to make enough time to read blogs as much as I used to. I browse Pinterest for inspiration over breakfast most … Continue reading
not planning ahead
I mentioned last week that I used to not be good at committing to things. Well, something else that I am not very good at is planning ahead. For example… With just three short days of term left, we still … Continue reading