So today is the day… when my dolls go on sale at Anthropologie’s King’s Road shop in London! Please forgive me a little “squeeeee!!” It is a long-held ambition of mine to have my work on sale in Anthropologie. I … Continue reading
So today is the day… when my dolls go on sale at Anthropologie’s King’s Road shop in London! Please forgive me a little “squeeeee!!” It is a long-held ambition of mine to have my work on sale in Anthropologie. I … Continue reading
Sometimes people send me really interesting things. I’ve had fabulous fabric, vintage goodies and various natty novelties in the post – but I’d never received any frilly frocks – until now. A whole box of frilly frocks arrived the other … Continue reading
I’ve been making some new bohemians… well, more velvet cats to be precise, as the first lot sold out almost straight away. It’s funny how things go… I spent weeks kidding myself that I had a-g-e-s to make stock for my upcoming … Continue reading
Well, it’s been a little while since I pitched up here, hasn’t it? You know how it is… one minute you’re deciding to take a little mini-break from blogging, the next you’re looking at your blog and wondering how on earth … Continue reading
Sewing requires equipment. The basics, like scissors, needles and thread and a sewing machine, are essential. There is also, of course, the ever-present temptation to spend every last penny on fabric. But then there are all the other bits of kit that, whilst … Continue reading
People often talk about the thrill of the chase. But for me, it’s all about the thrill of the make. When it all comes together, making is the best thing in the world. I’ve just completed the latest batch of Liberty dolls, … Continue reading