So after a journey lasting a very long time, Bobo, my emotional support bear and I arrived in Brisbane (that’s him above, before we left and below, on the aeroplane). We were met at the airport by my sister. There … Continue reading
So after a journey lasting a very long time, Bobo, my emotional support bear and I arrived in Brisbane (that’s him above, before we left and below, on the aeroplane). We were met at the airport by my sister. There … Continue reading
So, you probably haven’t noticed (because nobody really does notice when someone goes offline for a bit, do they?) but I’ve been a bit quiet these past few weeks. I’m not apologising. Not just because I just read a post on … Continue reading
Every year my partner asks me where I would like to go on holiday. For several years now, I have suggested a visit to Sweden (or anywhere in Scandinavia really) fascinated as I am by the glimpses of beautiful Swedish … Continue reading
As you may have noticed if you follow either my blog, or my Instagram or Facebook profiles, I am not normally one to flaunt myself in front of the camera or appear in the press. In fact, I recently wrote … Continue reading
Well, it’s been a funny old year. At the end of last year I did a fabulously successful fair at The Custard Factory in Birmingham. It was the first fair for which I had travelled out of Nottingham to sell … Continue reading
So today is the day… when my dolls go on sale at Anthropologie’s King’s Road shop in London! Please forgive me a little “squeeeee!!” It is a long-held ambition of mine to have my work on sale in Anthropologie. I … Continue reading