So after a journey lasting a very long time, Bobo, my emotional support bear and I arrived in Brisbane (that’s him above, before we left and below, on the aeroplane). We were met at the airport by my sister. There … Continue reading
So after a journey lasting a very long time, Bobo, my emotional support bear and I arrived in Brisbane (that’s him above, before we left and below, on the aeroplane). We were met at the airport by my sister. There … Continue reading
I have a new shop! I meant to write a post about this a while ago, but whilst preparing for the Sherwood Makers Christmas craft fair, writing blog posts sort of fell off the bottom of the very long To … Continue reading
So, you may have noticed on Instagram that a little while ago I made a crow, from a pattern by the wonderful Ann Wood. There he is, pictured above. He was made as a present for my sis in Australia and he … Continue reading
Is spring in the air? Well, no. It’s blimmin’ January. We still have at least another couple of months of winter to go. As I am typing this the rain is lashing against the windows and at gone 8 o’clock in … Continue reading
A few years ago I wrote this post, about struggling to take a selfie for some event or other that required one to be submitted. On that occasion I propped the camera on a pile of books and set the … Continue reading
So it’s been quite a while since I wrote a post for this blog, hasn’t it? Time was I would blog daily, full of inspiration and the joys of fabrics, making, and life generally. (Well, usually!) But time has flown … Continue reading