I have a new shop! I meant to write a post about this a while ago, but whilst preparing for the Sherwood Makers Christmas craft fair, writing blog posts sort of fell off the bottom of the very long To … Continue reading
I have a new shop! I meant to write a post about this a while ago, but whilst preparing for the Sherwood Makers Christmas craft fair, writing blog posts sort of fell off the bottom of the very long To … Continue reading
One of the funny things about doing stalls is that you never really know in advance what is going to sell. I can get some idea, sometimes, from people’s reactions to blog posts, or to photos shared on Facebook or Instagram. But … Continue reading
So finally, as promised, the magic mushrooms are in my Etsy shop. I always find that listing things on Etsy takes such a lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ng time. Which is why I don’t do it very often. I started this morning at 8 … Continue reading
Well… nearly! Give me a couple of hours and I will be properly ready! I spent a good proportion of yesterday slaving over a hot (and somewhat bothered) laptop, getting things ready for my Etsy shop relaunch. I even made … Continue reading
You may remember that I’ve been beating myself up recently about not sorting out my Etsy shop. Well, I have a cunning plan… Sunday is Etsy shop D-Day. I plan to spend the day knuckling down at last and getting … Continue reading
This was my sofa yesterday. The sun had finally shown its face and good light waits for no one… Time for a long overdue photography session! I also needed a bit of a sort-out, having just reclaimed some bits of … Continue reading