the new shop!

I have a new shop! I meant to write a post about this a while ago, but whilst preparing for the Sherwood Makers Christmas craft fair, writing blog posts sort of fell off the bottom of the very long To … Continue reading

making it up as i go along

One of the funny things about doing stalls is that you never really know in advance what is going to sell. I can get some idea, sometimes, from people’s reactions to blog posts, or to photos shared on Facebook or Instagram. But … Continue reading

shop ’til I drop

So finally, as promised, the magic mushrooms are in my Etsy shop. I always find that listing things on Etsy takes such a lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ng time. Which is why I don’t do it very often. I started this morning at 8 … Continue reading

not planning ahead

I mentioned last week that I used to not be good at committing to things. Well, something else that I am not very good at is planning ahead. For example… With just three short days of term left, we still … Continue reading

etsy… eventually!

It’s been way too long. My shops have been shut for ages. I must be the world’s most rubbish shopkeeper. I kept meaning to put aside time to re-stock at least one of them. But the thought of all that photographing, … Continue reading

crewel world

What is it about vintage embroideries that make them so appealing? Is it the bright colours, the exuberant, usually floral, designs? Well, yes. It is. They just make my heart sing. I know the amount of work involved in them. I’ve … Continue reading