recent acquisitions

modflowers: recent fabric buysMy name is modflowers, and I am a fabric addict.

I can’t help it.

It’s something I’ve learned to live with. To accommodate.

I didn’t choose it, I feel like it chose me.

I suppressed my addiction for many years. Sublimated it into buying clothes, or making paper collages from the book jackets I saved from damaged stock in the bookshop where I worked.

But now, I embrace it.

modflowers: vintage fabricsmodflowers: vintage fabricsmodflowers: recent fabric acquisitionsI seek out pattern and colour and texture. And history.

Flowers are nice, too.

And I hunt my quarry wherever it may be found… in markets… in shops… in cyberspace…

modflowers: recent acquisitionsI glory not in ownership, or possession, but in the inspiration and possibilities it brings.

My addiction costs me money yes, but I’ve always been pretty good with money.

I haven’t deprived my family to buy fabric.

Yet. ♥

12 thoughts on “recent acquisitions

  1. I seriously think i need to call myself a collector of craft supplies rather than a crafter. Fabric is my greatest weakness. I’m in love with your fabric collection. Wish it was mine, but happy enough just to get to see pictures of it. 😀 lol

  2. I am trying so hard not to squee! If it wasn’t for my addiction to crocheting and yarn, then I’d have a house full of fabrics! I’ve always had this thought that when I go to heaven, it will be one gigantic haberdashery store, aisles full of fabric, yarn, buttons, absolute bliss!

  3. You know that I’m in the club! I love all your gorgeous new pieces, some of them I have too, some I don’t…particularly like that geometric bit in the last pic. I really must get back to blogging, and share all my recent acquisitions…like Erica K above, I must admit I am far better at buying it than making anything out of it…a guilty pleasure! xx

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