counting my blessings

happinessI don’t really like getting older.

Some days I feel about a hundred. The small inconveniences of age start to make their presence felt when you’re the wrong side of 40. And female.

Joint pains. Tiredness. Wrinkles. Other “woman’s stuff” which I will spare everyone the details of.

And just a general loss of youthful energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes I miss those most of all.

Yesterday I paid a visit to a friend of mine that I hadn’t seen for some months. She is a couple of years older than me. She has Multiple Sclerosis.

Last year my friend suffered a series of infections whilst in hospital for a necessary procedure. Being confined to bed for some time whilst these infections were treated had the unfortunate result of permanently affecting her mobility, so that she is now unable to move at all without the help of carers.

She is confined either to chair or bed and cannot move even from one to the other without help.

Suddenly, the small inconveniences of age alone seemed immaterial.

I feel ashamed of myself for minding them.

It may be a cliché to say it, but it’s important to remind myself. Ageing is a privilege, granted only to those who live long enough to experience it.

And enjoyment of life is something to which age alone is no barrier. It can be found in the smallest things.

So today I shall be taking the time to appreciate my lot and count my blessings.

I hope your day is filled with the joy of life.

count your blessings

12 thoughts on “counting my blessings

  1. Thank you…..I think amongst all our busy lives and the problems we have – we all need reminding about this. I shall try myself too 🙂

  2. So true…it’s all too easy to focus on life’s minor niggles, and forget that many people are denied the opportunity to experience them at all, or are dealing with far more stressful and painful lives than our own. Thanks for the reminder. x

  3. So very true. On my non creative days I work with a young lady with sevear learning difficultys. She can do very little for herself but is a joy to be around none the less. She is my reminder to embrace all we have and not focus on what we may be losing,,,hair, teeth,eyesight etc!!!

  4. Very true, but don’t be too hard on yourself. It isn’t until your health is compromised that you stop really taking it for granted! It is however a great attitude to have! 🙂 x

  5. Hear, hear! When my Mum was very ill she started a gratitude journal and started writing down all the things she was grateful for, each day, even on the darkest days. It’s something I do regularly (without the writing bit!) and it makes for a happier more content life xx

  6. You’re right, there is always someone with it worse and we should enjoy every moment. It’s a not so little lesson the last 12 months has taught me.


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