one thing leads to another

modflowers: making fabric petalsI’ll admit it, I have a wandering mind.

I don’t mean that my sanity is going or that I’m becoming senile (hopefully not yet-a-while, anyway, although when I misplace my scissors for the eightieth time in an afternoon I do sometimes wonder).

It’s just that I start off thinking of one thing, and then it leads to another, and another…

It’s a bit like looking for a recipe for tea on Pinterest and ending up, two hours later, looking at pictures of interiors and wondering why you were on Pinterest in the first place.

It’s the same with projects. Great new ideas don’t often strike me, unforeseen and unbidden, out of the blue. No.

They tend to… meander their way into being, from the last project. modflowers: making fabric petalsTake mouse ears, for example. I made a bunch of them recently for my mouse phone cosies.

As time went by, the idea began to take root that they looked a little bit petal-ish. 

Well, quite a lot petal-ish, truth be told.

And so the idea of making a flower out of mouse-ear-petals was born.

modflowers: making fabric petalsI was going to make a cushion cover, but then I decided to put my first mouse-ear-flower on a little round purse instead.

modflowers: vintage fabric flower circle purseI can see more of these materialising, and perhaps meandering into other things… bags maybe, or cushions.

modflowers: vintage fabric flower circle purseOne thing leads to another.

Excuse me, my mind seems to be starting to wander again. ♥

3 thoughts on “one thing leads to another

  1. Uh oh. You’ve got me doing it. They look like fish scales too… Make ’em pointier and they’re rabbit ears, different petals. Oh Lord, I have to stop this and get back to the fiendishly complicated lined pocket I’m making for my latest handbag!

    • It’s funny how mind-wandering seems particularly prevalent whilst sewing complicated things, isn’t it?!

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