pretty dandy

modflowers: I'll be here!I’ve been so busy today that I haven’t really had time to write a proper post.

First, lad had an inset day. So there was him to deal with.

Then, I had left all sorts of things to the last minute.

And finally, lad had a music lesson (guitar, taster session – he loved it) so I lost a chunk of the day to that, and my evening to the annual scream-fest that is Nottingham Goose Fair.

I did try to be a bit fancy and embed a Vine video of the fair there, but it isn’t working. And it’s too late and I’m too tired to sort it out properly, sorry. You can see it here though.

You can’t live in Nottingham and not go to Goose Fair. You really can’t.

Even if it makes you throw up afterwards. Which, in lad’s case, it has. At midnight. Copiously.

Anyway, what I’m getting around to saying, finally, is that I’ll be at the Pretty Dandy Flea today, at the Vintage Warehouse (see pic above) on Cranbrook Street (near the main post office depot) from 10.30 until 5.30pm.

Along with lots of other folks selling great stuff. Including my friend Maria of Sunshine Vintage.

So come on down if you’re in the vicinity, and say hello.

Maria has biscuits and is tired. I’ll have no biscuits and be tired and sewing up tweetie bottoms (if I’m not busy serving customers and chatting). But I’ll have a flask of strong tea with me.

modflowers: unfinished tweetiesSometimes the best laid plans go awry and you just run out of time.

Even for tweetie bottoms. ♥

5 thoughts on “pretty dandy

  1. Pingback: day of rest | modflowers ✿

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