blood, sweat & tears

modflowers: new doll in progressSometimes, however much you want them to go right, some things just don’t.

It can happen even if you’ve made said thing many times before, although familiarity does usually help.

But some days, no matter what your mental attitude, no matter that the sun is shining and your heart is full of creativity, and that you find yourself unexpectedly with time you thought was earmarked for other jobs, sometimes, things just don’t want to play nicely.

Yesterday was one of those days.

I’d been trying to create a new doll. But all I seemed to create was chaos.

First of all my pattern was wrong. I had to cut it up, reshape it and stick it back together again. Then I cut it out and somehow made the body too long.

modflowers: bad legsThen I had trouble with the legs.I managed to make them just that tiny fraction too narrow, which led to much swearing and sweating, poking and prodding. I just couldn’t get them turned right side out, no matter how I cajoled and cursed.

And when I eventually did, I found, after cutting the body to the right length, that they were too darn short.

Finally, after making new legs, I managed to stab myself with the needle, not once but repeatedly, whilst sewing them on.

modflowers: new doll in progressCue tears.

I know I should be able to be sanguine about these things, but sometimes, just sometimes, I feel the need to let rip. And after mistakes, wrong legs and troubles with turning, pricked fingers were the final straw.

Tomorrow will be different, I’m sure.

Tomorrow there will be no blood or tears, I hope, just maybe, if I work hard enough, a little sweat. ♥


9 thoughts on “blood, sweat & tears

  1. Cute puss person! Could you retrieve something from the situation, and turn one of the recalcitrant legs into a slender slanty tail…? I have the greatest sympathy with your bloodletting frustration. Sometimes with the hand quilting, when I’ve driven the blunt end of the needle into the tip of my thumb for the umpteenth time and am cursing and sucking blood alternately, the only thing to do is get up and look at something pretty…

    • Don’t worry, the bad legs will be salvaged. There’s no way I could discard them after all the effort that went into making them!
      I can only imagine the pain of hand quilting, as it is something I have never done. I am wincing just thinking about it!

  2. I too am having one of those days so I can empathise, the Craft Goddess must be having a bad hair day and we mere mortals have to pay the price *sighs deeply*

  3. Some craft projects have to be put in the time out chair for being bad..I have several sitting their waiting for me to tell them they can get up now..if they can be good. LOL

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