just add stuffing

modflowers: mini moggies unstuffedWell, lad’s first day at Big School was, happily, a success.

I do wonder how long it will continue to be fun, given the 7.30 departure time each morning, followed by rather a long walk. But for now at least, he is happy and I am relieved.

I, myself had a rotten time at secondary school. I liked learning, was good at my lessons and rather quiet and shy. Consequently I was picked on and bullied.

I used to try to convince myself that this made me into a more compassionate human being and was therefore not a bad thing.

But really, all it did was destroy my self-confidence and make me miserable. Which is not what I would wish on anyone.

Hopefully schools have changed somewhat since then.

six unstuffed mini moggies!The spin-off benefit of lad being back at school is, of course, that I have more time for making.

I flippin’ well need it, too.

I have shops to re-stock, stalls to prepare for, and – whisper it – (it’s still too early to mention for my liking) Christmas to think about.

But with the house quiet and empty apart from little old me, I got quite a bit done. A batch of seven new mini moggies all ready for stuffing.

modflowers: vintage fabric mini moggies - before stuffingJust got to get round to finishing them off, taking some photos and re-opening my Etsy shop.

Plenty to get on with, then.

But hey, tomorrow’s another quiet, lad-free day. ♥


3 thoughts on “just add stuffing

  1. They’re adorable, of course! I love your work! And I’m sorry to say, I have a daughter that is 19 that had a similar and awful secondary school experience. She was calloused by her experience, rather than enriched. As in, it made her depressed to be around miserable character and try as she may, she couldn’t stay bright about it. She’s a wonderful, creative person that loves nothing more than sewing and art and animals, but she’s also a very good writer. I think her negative experience contributes to her passionate writing. I wouldn’t wish for my children to be sad, but support is important and hopefully we all get through hard times together, rather than alone. I’m glad you share a little in your posts They’re wonderful reads and thank you!

    • Thank you for your lovely comment Tammy!
      I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. I only realised recently that my childhood experience of being bullied still affected me when I thought about situations I’ve faced as an adult that I think I would’ve dealt with differently had I not previously been bullied.
      But yes, you get through it. And today schools seem to be a lot more aware of the problem than when I was that age.

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