let the hard work begin

modflowers: vintage Liberty fabricsSo, the holiday’s over – I’m back!

After two weeks in western and southern Crete toasting on various beautiful and remote beaches, admiring rugged scenery, swimming in warm, crystal-clear waters and sleeping a lot, I’m feeling so much better than I did before we went away.

I’m looking forward to getting started on a new and full-on work project using the beautiful vintage Liberty fabrics pictured here, which I’ll share more about later.

I won’t bore you with lots of holiday photos. (Actually, I didn’t take that many anyway). And I do apologise for the long bloggy and social media silence. But I’m afraid it just couldn’t be helped.

There was very little wifi in any of the places we pitched up. But besides that, one of the things I really wanted from this particular holiday was a complete absence of staring at screens – for all three of us.

It was important – even if it means that I now probably don’t have any blog readers left.

Much more so than just because I was on holiday, or because staring at this kind of thing renders staring at screens unnecessary…

Triopetra, CreteI don’t normally share this sort of stuff, but the mister and I hadn’t been getting along too well before we went away. Things were decidedly off-key and out of kilter, and we had been distinctly out of step with one another for some time.

What with lad turning all teenage on us over the summer too, I was worried and sad and angry and upset about our little family.

So much so that I wasn’t even sure I wanted us to go on holiday together.

I was apprehensive about how I would cope with the heat, scared I would feel like the grumpy family spoil-sport, and frightened we would spend our time niggling and sniping and arguing and sulking and blaming and disliking one another.

But we didn’t.

We had a big big BIG row outpouring, the mister and I. And then we finally set about sorting things out.

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you take away all the distractions and add time. Lots of time.

To think. To talk. To focus on what’s most important. Together.

The holiday gave us the time and the space to talk about, and start to heal what went before.

Liberty - 3And now we’re home, and the real hard work begins. ♥


3 thoughts on “let the hard work begin

  1. Thank you for such an open and honest blog post. It’s good to have you back – and I look forward to the new (ad)venture! X

  2. Glad the holiday helped clear the air and you spent good, quality time together as a family. We had some similar issues over the summer, heading to the seaside at Northumberland with a lack of access to technology really made us simplify and enjoy doing other things. Sometimes just getting away from everything heals and helps you focus on the future. I’m happy you are back and look forward to getting together again with you asap! x

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