magic mushrooms

modflowers: magic mushroomsIncredibly, I am having to start to think about that festive time of year already.

It seems incredible to me, firstly because it is barely five minutes since we returned from sunning ourselves on the beaches of Crete, and secondly, because I am a firm believer in not doing Christmas until Christmas.

I am insistent that we don’t decorate the tree until Christmas Eve. I am that person who runs around buying last minute presents just before the shops shut for the holiday.

My partner is even worse. He has been known to scour the streets seeking the one corner shop open on Christmas morning, to buy some crucial-but-missing Christmas dinner ingredient.

modflowers: magic mushroom So let’s say it is not in my nature to be thinking festively at this time of year.

However, after a trip into town for a new sewing machine bulb and an afternoon sewing other things, I remembered yesterday that back in the mists of time I had signed up for a couple of festive fairs.

And not having much stock in reserve, I had not the first idea what I was going to sell at them.

I turned to my “ideas jotted down for when I forget them” notebook. And one of my ideas scrawls came up trumps – magic mushroom Christmas decorations!

So I had a quick go at transforming them from idea into reality, and this is how they turned out…

modflowers: magic mushroomsmodflowers: magic mushiesmodflowers: magic mushroom Shroomy!

I think I’m going to get the beads and sequins out and get a bit glittery with a few more, nearer the date.

After all, I don’t mind getting festive when the time comes.

And I may as well make my magic mushrooms marvellous. ♥


4 thoughts on “magic mushrooms

  1. These mushrooms are really pretty. I haven’t been doing any decorations for Christmas for the last two years and it was sad. This time I want it to be different and i am already beginning to look at Christmas boards on Pinterest for inspirations. There are so many pretty things I would like to make and so little time!

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