naughty behaviour

modflowers: naughty behaviour - pixie dollI’m afraid that I might be about to give in to some naughty behaviour.

No, not that kind of thing!

What I mean is, there are certain things that, to my mind, are a no-no for me to indulge in as a maker, so I have unwritten rules not to do them.

These are rules that should not be broken. There are lines that should not be crossed, things that should not be entertained.

But sometimes it is hard…

Rule number one: don’t fall in love with my own creations.

Yes, I am allowed to be proud of what I create, to feel joy at the way something has turned out and to take pleasure in and admire my own accomplishments.

However, I am not allowed to fall in love with things I make and hoard them.
I have enough trouble with that when it comes to my materials (yes, fabric stash – I am looking at you!) so I have a strict rule that I must not hang onto things I make just because I love them. It’s not allowed.

But I have to admit, this little fellow is testing me to my absolute limits…

modflowers: naughty behaviour - pixie dollSomewhere in my mind is the idea that I am not supposed to have favourites. It’s not fair on the others. So sssshhh! whisper it – Β I really want to keep him. But I mustn’t!

I have so much to do, to make… stalls to fill, stock to sew, an empty Etsy shop. Now is not a good time to decide to hang onto things.

But look at his little feet!

modflowers: naughty behaviour - pixie dollThis doesn’t happen to me very often, thankfully. The last time was probably when I made these.

Nobody is going to punish me for breaking my own rules, I know – they are purely self-imposed.

I’m not going to get into trouble with anyone but myself for my naughty behaviour.

modflowers: naughty behaviour - pixie dollNonetheless, I feel so torn…

Does anyone else get like this about things they make sometimes?

Do you give in to the naughtiness?

What would you do?Β β™₯

11 thoughts on “naughty behaviour

    • He is indeed!
      Shhh – don’t tell anyone, but I have to admit I have, for now, not delivered him to the shop that he was meant to go to!

  1. I can see why you’re a bit in love with him…. I have the identical problem with some of my quilts. Most of them are made for someone and have a lot of them sewn in, as it were, but others are my own babies and it’s hard to let go.

  2. You should definitely keep him – I don’t know how you can bear to part with any of them, ever… When I fall in love with something that I’ve made, sometimes I keep it, and sometimes I put it out there, but extra-expensive, to compensate for my loss. I think that’s only fair. Sometimes they sell for the exorbitant prices (and I post them off, sobbing inside (jellyfish, I’m thinking especially of you)), and sometimes they don’t and then after a reasonable period of time, they come to live on my sofa!
    Incidentally do you still have emo beetle? I’m asking for a friend πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ xxx

    • The exorbitant price strategy sounds like a good one!

      And yes, you can tell your friend that emo beetle is still currently sitting on my mantelpiece at home.

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