no tweaking

modflowers: peg doll Sometimes trying something new can be just what your creativity needs.

And sometimes, it doesn’t quite work out that way.

I decided, having spotted some nice quality German dolly pegs in trendy local homewares emporium Objects of Use, to have a go at making some peg dolls.

I have always liked peg dolls. It’s that miniature thing I have going on.

Also, I recently found this one I made when I was quite little…

modflowers: vintage peg dollShe was made from a kit (a Christmas present from a Tridias catalogue, if I remember rightly).

She turned up again in a box from my parents’ house, which I had stashed away unopened on top of my wardrobe.

I am the first to admit that she’s not the most wonderful creation. And I’m not sure what that nasty stain on her frock is. But it touched me that my mum kept her all those years.

Anyway, she inspired me to get the German pegs out and have a go at an updated version. Easy peasy, I thought.

But the experience didn’t go altogether smoothly.

I learned three things from it:

1. My camera is terrible for taking close-up photos of small things. I mean, really terrible. It has no macro setting and simply refuses to focus.

2. My eyesight has deteriorated more than I thought. My eyes, like my camera, just don’t have a suitable setting for close-up, small things.


3. Once something is done, I should learn to leave it alone. Not go back and start tweaking and adding things. Like eyelashes…

peg doll2My peg doll is pants.

The original attempt was bad enough. My photos of her were worse.

But the icing on the cake is the mess I made when I tweaked. She looks like she’s been out on the razz, partaken of a few too many sherries and then slept in her make-up. After a good cry.

I shall put Mrs Blobby down to experience and go back to my sewing. ♥


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