pretty but pongy

modflowers: neon bunnyThis is what I bought at the Stuff of Life Festival on Saturday.

I’m ashamed to say that I don’t know who I bought it from.

Well, obviously, I know that I bought it from a nice lady with a stall full of handmade felt goodies.

But what I mean is that I thought I’d picked up her card, but then found I hadn’t. And I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the stall.

So I can’t give credit where credit is due. Apologies for that.

I also bought a cheery felt gingerbread man (at lad’s insistence) for our christmas tree. A bit premature perhaps, but I just couldn’t resist lad’s demands.

modflowers: gingerbread manThe only thing I’m not so keen on is that both bunny and biscuit bloke are scented.

I was actually going to buy a rather super owl as well, but it was fragranced, if that is the word, with rose. Which is a scent that I can’t stand. At least, not the sickly, synthetic version. Real roses are, of course, a different matter entirely.

And I find that now I’ve got them home, I’m not hugely keen on the smells emanating from my purchases either.

I think they’re meant to be either sandalwood- or jasmine-scented, but to me they just smell like cheap joss sticks.

So, I think I’ll pop them up in the attic for now, and hope their pong is past it by the time they have to adorn the tree. ♥

8 thoughts on “pretty but pongy

  1. I’d try baking soda or cat litter … you can use it to take the fusty smell from old suitcases and the like, so it might work to absorb the scent from your felties … Bee xx

    • Thanks! I’ll try it! I have a nasty feeling that they might actually have some sort of scented stuff – possibly even an incense cone or pot pourri – inside the stuffing, but without actually unpicking them I can’t really tell!

  2. I don’t understand some people’s obsession with fake smells! Just open the window…..Nothing is as good as fresh air but people would rather spend a fortune on air freshners….and don’t get me started on fabric conditioners. Rant over!

    • Totally with you! The worst are those plug-in air fresheners that exacerbate asthma and allergies and smell horrid. Mind you, not as horrid as my felt purchases, I’m sorry to say!

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