putting it about a bit

I was brought up in an age when girls were not supposed to be outgoing. Quietness and demureness were prized, particularly by my nanna, but also by my mum. My sister and I were encouraged to be modest and self-effacing; … Continue reading

a mini dilemma

I think this miniaturisationĀ thing is contagious. Once you start making things smaller, suddenly everything seems fair game for a spot of size reduction. Even things that are already pretty small, like my Christmas mice… I had a sudden thought that … Continue reading

stocking up

So at last, I have had a bit of time to devote to my poor neglected Etsy shop. Does anyone else with a shop find that it takes a-g-e-s to photograph, measure, describe, upload, edit, spell check and primp each … Continue reading

happy anniversary

I’m not big on anniversary celebrations. Example. On mine and my partner’s tenth anniversary, we abandoned our plans to go to a big party at a club – because we missed the bus into town and got cold waiting for … Continue reading