thrift of the day

modflowers: thrifted flower paintingsIt’s funny how sometimes you almost have a premonition of what’s going to turn up.

Or rather, not a premonition exactly. More like, something lodges itself in your mind so that when it presents itself in real life, you see it instantly and think “Yes!”

Relaxing with a spot of Pinterest browsing the other night I spotted a picture I liked, but for some reason did not pin it (and therefore, of course, can’t find it again to show you).

Suffice to say it had some paintings in it a bit like these ones, but it also had a nice flowery lampshade peeping into the picture at one side. And no table. I think.

modflowers: vintage paintingsYesterday morning I had to go up to the local shops for mundane supplies and errands. I had no intention of going thrifting.

But the passing of several charity shops along the way often provokes a spot of popping in “just to see”…

And what I saw, piled up by the skirting board, was these…

modflowers: vintage flower paintingsThe lightbulb in my brain pinged on… they were almost exactly like some in the pin I’d seen!

They are not prints, but real oil paintings. At first I thought they were all by the same artist, but there are a variety of signatures, despite some of the pictures looking almost identical.

modflowers: vintage flower paintingsMy theory is that they are the product of an art class.

Despite not being exactly the style I usually go for, I just couldn’t resist. An instant art collection – for 99p each?

I mean, come on! Wouldn’t you?!

modflowers: vintage flower paintingsI spent a happy hour yesterday afternoon wandering about the house holding the paintings up against various walls.

And then another hour or so hanging them in the alcove in my bedroom.

The alcove that was going to be wallpapered, and have a mirror installed above the dressing table, but…

Well… I can say with some certainty that the paintings won’t appeal to the boys of the household (who haven’t seen them yet).

And they do just seem to fit there…

modflowers: vintage flower paintingsmodflowers: vintage flower paintingsAnd as an added bonus, they compliment my newly enfloralated (I know it isn’t a word, but it should be) wardrobe rather nicely:

modflowers: my wardrobe revampI’d like to replace the practical-but-not-remotely-pretty Ikea lamp with a floor lamp adorned with a nice floral shade, like in that pin I saw.

Luckily, plans for the shade at least are already in hand. I’m going to take instruction from my friend Ali Bee and make myself one.

Hopefully a suitable lamp base will turn up.

I’m sure it will. Eventually.

I’ll probably spot one on Pinterest. No doubt when I’ve given up looking for one. ♥


6 thoughts on “thrift of the day

  1. I couldn’t read this post yesterday as your new website doesn’t seem to always like my computer 🙁 But today I am reading it and oh my oh my oh my what an absolute amazing find!!!! Im so annoyed it wasnt me lol! I would offer my right arm for a collection of such prettiness, the colours are so soft and so beautiful and I like that they are all so alike too. If you ever (and why would you) get bored or if you are made to change them please please please remember me!
    Lucky luck you, enjoy:) xxx

    • Sorry about the interruptions in service Ruth… my new website has been somewhat plagued by technical difficulties, but I’m hoping that most of them are sorted now. Please do let me know if you have trouble reading my posts in future.
      Yes, as I said in the post, I wouldn’t normally go for this style of picture, but even I could see that these were just too lovely to pass up. However, they may turn out to have been a slightly more expensive purchase than I intended, as they don’t go with much else in my bedroom so I might need to reorganise things a bit!

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