a good thing

modflowers: gifted patchworkThere’s one thing about getting known for something that I particularly like.

People give you things.

Now, if you are known for liking owls, or china cats, or for being good at fixing cars, I can imagine that being given things may not necessarily be A Good Thing.

Having people shower you with owl-themed items, or china cats, or whatever it is you’re known for liking, every Christmas and birthday, could get a bit tiresome I imagine.

And having everyone ask your advice on fixing their car, or worse – dump old wrecks on you to fix for them, just because it’s what you’re known for, would most definitely not be A Good Thing.

Unless that’s what you enjoy spending your time doing, of course.

But being known for liking, collecting, and making use of vintage fabrics means that when people give me things, usually it is pretty likely to be A Good Thing.

modflowers: gift fabrics The other day I had a phone call from a lady called Anna, whom I met on a course ages ago.

She was having a clear-out, and wondered whether I’d be interested in some fabrics she was otherwise going to chuck out?

I said yes please, if she was sure, and she said yes, she was. And then she came round and delivered them to my door, along with a big bag of leftover bits of quilt wadding. Which was incredibly nice of her.

The quilt wadding will no doubt come in handy, I thought. I parked it in the corner of the kitchen and tipped out the other bag, which was stuffed full of fabrics, for a nosey at what lay within…

modflowers: gifted fabricsLots of niceness stared back at me from the pile on the floor. Wow!

The highlights of the collection were a big piece of Pat Albeck’s Daisy Chain fabric, in one of my favourite colourways…

modflowers: gifted fabric, Daisy Chain by Pat AlbeckA sleeve from a 1970s garment in a lovely orange floral brushed cotton…

modflowers: gift fabric orange floralAnd a bit of vintage synthetic knit that I foresee making a dolly a very nice frock indeed…

modflowers: gift fabric floralNot to mention that damaged, but still rather beautiful piece of vintage patchwork…

modflowers: gift fabric patchworkThere were a few other treasures in there too – a smattering of Laura Ashley, a sprinkling of fur fabric, and a few other snippets that I’m sure I can make use of.

After I’d sorted through, I found that there was also a carrier bagful of mixed ethnic-y batik / tie dye / African style fabrics, which I know I won’t use.

So if anyone local to me (in Nottingham) would like them, just let me know, before I find someone else to pass them on to.

modflowers: gift fabrics batikWhat goes around, comes around, so they say.

It would be nice to find someone who can get as much pleasure out of that surplus-to-requirements bag of ethnic-style cottons as I can out of Anna’s other gifts.

In fact, it would be a Very Good Thing indeed. ♥


10 thoughts on “a good thing

  1. I know exactly what you mean! When I was making that huge indigo quilt, I received all sorts of fabulousness from people all over the world, just out of the kindness of their hearts. There’s something about textiles that brings out the best in people, I think…

  2. I can feel a series of cushions coming on featuring African animals appliqued in African style fabrics, but only if they’ll go to waste otherwise and no-one else wants them more.I’m in woodthorpe… Thanks, Katherine x

    • Hi Katherine, you’re local enough for the fabric scraps – so they’re yours if you want them! I’d offer to deliver but I’m hellishly busy at the moment and just don’t have the time, so you would need to collect them from me. If you contact me via email I can let you know my address – I’m not far from you. x

  3. It must have been so exciting going through all the fabrics seeing what you could find! I hope you get someone local to you who could make use of the other fabrics. Maybe you could donate to a local craft group or school if not?

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