beatrice beehive

modflowers: beatrice beehive dollOk, so I know this obsession with dolls might be getting a bit boring, blogging-wise.

That’s the trouble when you make lots of similar things in succession. It’s not boring for me, but then I am a bit obsessed.

I really do feel like I’m making progress with my making, if you see what I mean.

I just finished Beatrice Beehive.

I started her at the weekend and didn’t feel particularly inspired by her to start with, I must admit. Which is probably why she’s taken me so long to finish.

modflowers: beatrice beehive dollThe ball of wool I thrifted for her hair turned out to be made up of lots of broken strands.

Although a little trying, this wasn’t nearly as disastrous as it would have been had I been using it for knitting.

I have probably saved a knitter from a nasty bout of wool-rage.
modflowers: beatrice beehive dollI imagine Beatrice to be a bit flighty. She likes dressing up and going out to dance.

As well as her removable beaded tiara, she has a couple of secrets hidden away.

You can’t see it in the photos, but that frock has a net petticoat under the skirt. Now that was a challenge.

And she is cut from a vintage cross-stitched tablecloth, making her secretly an extensively tattooed lady.

In the nicest, most feminine way…

modflowers: doll beatrice beehive undies modflowers: doll beatrice beehive - backHer scanties are made from real vintage 1960s nylon, trimmed with vintage lace.

modflowers: beatrice beehive posing in her scantiesI think she is my favourite doll so far. But I’m not telling her that.

It would only go to her flighty head. ♄


8 thoughts on “beatrice beehive

  1. Love this gal! You are killing me with the scanties – aren’t they adorable?! Love the way she stands so gracefully on her tippy toes by the side of that chair. And, er no, it is not boring for us to see lots of blog posts about your dolls – we love it – makes me happy to look at some eye candy whilst drinking my morning cuppa 🙂

    • Aww, I’m glad you like her – and like seeing doll after doll after doll…!
      I actually cheated on the standing thing… she is sort of “hanging around” rather than standing (suspended from a hidden hook on the wall!)

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