bingeing out

modflowers: swedish cotton satin fabricI know it is ok really. Necessary, even.

They are the tools of my trade after all. I can’t do what I do, or make what I make, without them.

Quite apart from the sheer pleasure they bring.

So buying fabrics is totally justifiable. I know that really.

But generally I pick them up in dribs and drabs, a yard here, a remnant there, a snippet at a time. Frugally. Rather than in a frenzied fabric-buying blow-out of mahoosive proportions (for me, anyway).

Which is what I’ve just done.

I need to calm down. Get some perspective. After all, some people spend thousands on a handbag, or hundreds on a frock.

I feel a bit light-headed and sick.

But then, that’s what happens when you go on a binge. ♥

modflowers: vintage fabric bingemodflowers: vintage fabric binge modflowers: vintage fabric bingemodflowers: vintage fabric binge modflowers: vintage fabric binge modflowers: vintage fabric binge modflowers: vintage fabric bingemodflowers: fabric binge

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