
modflowers: sister skirt fabricI work best to deadlines.

I am one of those people who, procrastinator that I am, needs some kind of fixed point in time to pin my efforts to. Something to work toward, to aim for, to plan around.

I often leave things late, but I rarely actually miss a deadline. I am generally a punctual sort of person, probably because I hate waiting around myself.

That said, I will often put off until tomorrow what could be done today, if my deadlines allow. Especially if today can offer something that tomorrow cannot.

Some deadlines, however, are fixed. Such as my sister, nephew and nieces flying back to Australia next week.

I am attempting to get a skirt made for my sister before she goes, as well as working on other commissions.

sister skirt1 sister skirt3However, I find myself spending way too much time drinking tea and chatting, putting the world to rights, eating cake, bantering with children, and other guilty pleasures. Not sewing.

So I hereby apologise to all those awaiting commissions from me. Including my sister.

At the back of my mind I know I will be throwing myself into work wholeheartedly once the house is quiet again, and I am dunking a single teabag in my cup, instead of brewing up a pot and getting out the cake plates.

And I guess I can always mail the skirt. ♥

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