
modflowers: forget-me-notEvery morning, at the moment, I take time to wander outside into the garden.

My forget-me-nots, which originate from a few plants that I took from my mum’s garden after she died and the house was sold, are in full bloom.

They are everywhere. My partner thinks there are too many of them.

I disagree, despite the fact that they now virtually cover the paving slabs at the far end of the garden, having entirely invaded all the cracks.

And much of the lawn.

modflowers: forget me notsI love to see them as they age, fading from almost cornflower to pale sky blue , the plants getting bigger and shaggier until they look like they are frothing as they stir in the breeze.

modflowers: forget-me-notI ended up sacrificing a few yesterday morning, along with one of those pink primrose plants that have also seeded themselves all over the place, when I pulled out a fat dandelion entangled in their midst.

So I rescued the resulting little posy to adorn the table.

modflowers: spring posy with forget-me-notsAnd I sit, thinking of my mum, and the garden that she left behind, as it was, all-abloom in the springtime after her death.

And I remember. ♥


3 thoughts on “forget-me-not

  1. A heavenly post. I love forget me nots and would revel in a lawn brimming with them. AND primrose. Such richness to have both and to have the living memory with plants that came from your mom. Take some to your new place when you have it! xox

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