giveaway winner!

modflowers: kooky cat giveawayIt sort of slipped my mind, as things seem to do these days…

I promised a giveaway. That yellow kooky cat zip pouch above, to be precise.

And then, like a numpty, I never announced a winner. Shame on me!

So, it’s time to put that right.

The winner is…


Sam Fernley!

Ta daaa!! Please get in touch Sam to let me know:

a) where to send your prize, and

b) whether you would like your kooky cat pouch turning into a bag, or not. I.e. do you like it just as it is, or should I add a detachable strap, like  I did with this one:modflowers: blue cat bagThank you to everyone that entered the giveaway.

And apologies both for the delay, and for the technical hitches that seemed to delete some people’s original entries.

Do keep stopping by, as the urge may just come over me to run another giveaway very soon.

And next time, I’ll even try to remember to pick a winner. ♥

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