handling hardware

mod flowers: blue cat bag Sorry I’ve been a bit quieter than usual this week.

As I mentioned, I had a disaster with my laptop, which crashed and wouldn’t start up. So it went to the menders.

But it turns out that it can’t be mended.

And, as a final flourish, it seems that the evil machine has, in it’s death throes, taken with it all of my files, photos and other content. It can’t be rescued or transferred. The nice computer man tried, but failed.

laptop2It’s my fault for not backing it all up sooner.

But it has left me in mourning.

Most of my blog photos are saved in WordPress, so that’s something.  But I am still cringing to think what I have lost…

Family photographs from the last several years. Fonts. Flyers. Labels and signs I use for my stall. All sorts of records. Music. My CV.

Lots of other things will no doubt become obvious as the weeks and months roll by and I find I need things – and no longer have them.

I have also had to get to grips with my new laptop.

laptop1I hate dealing with new tech. I like to get things set up nicely and keep them that way. I don’t like fiddling with settings, passwords, set-up screens, more passwords, installation-this and dashboard-that.

But it has been necessary. And during the Easter school holidays too!

It’s a good job the menders is also the Apple dealer and therefore had lots of shiny things to keep lad interested, whilst I chewed my fingernails and tried to look unbothered by the news that I just lost a great big chunk of my online activities.

So anyway, I’ve been a bit distracted away from the blog, and sewing. And a bit ground down by it all.

However, I have at last picked myself up and made myself learn something new, as an antidote to chewing over the past week’s less pleasurable events.

My computer is not the only hardware I’ve been getting to grips with.

bag hardwareI got some of the shiny bits of metal above to add the finishing touches to my cat bags.

I’ve been working out how to install eyelets and make proper bag straps.

It hasn’t been easy… the instructions were like my worst Ikea flatpack nightmare…

bag hardware instructionsBut… I got there in the end!

blue cat bag hardwaremodflowers: blue cat bagAs with everything, it takes time to learn new things.

And patience (not my greatest strength!)

But the making and doing has been good for taking my mind off stuff, so I don’t mind.

I’m hoping it will get easier and that I won’t make the same mistakes twice, with neither bags nor computer…

Now that I’m getting to grips with the hardware. ♥

6 thoughts on “handling hardware

  1. Booo bad old computer… Ooo a nice new laptop… I’ve given up saving up for one of those too many other life things jump in front… However those lovely clip things are fantastic and will solve a major issue I have in my life… getting stuck in clothing with my bag not on the top layer! It is all fine and dandy when your bag has those clips on but most of mine do not… Well done you for putting them on yours!
    Could you let me know where you found them please Sharon? Happy Easter to you and yours
    Smiles Cass x

  2. Commiserations with the computer – I know your pain, the same happened to me a couple of years back – it is heartbreaking … but it also opened the door to discovering a whole new range of wonderful blogs, new online radio stations, (I lost my iTunes – and have never started afresh with it) … I also learned to store all my photos on a separate hard drive – that is regularly backed up – and I regularly back up all my word/excel docs too! A hard lesson – and there are still moments when I am searching for something on my hard drive – and then realise that it too disappeared into the black hole of computer death!
    On the bright side – the bag looks fab … I have been considering going down the ‘hardware’ route, but can’t seem to find a supplier at a reasonable price at the moment … will keep searching! Wishing you a lovely weekend xx

  3. That’s just heartbreakingly awful! I have a service that backs my computer up once a week. I do know what it feels like to lose photos though…I lost a camera once and I didn’t care about the expense, it was the irreplaceable photos that killed me. 🙁 (Love the kitty!)

  4. So sorry to hear about all the computer stuff – your new one looks v lovely though. And I’m super impressed with the straps for your fabulous cat bags. I really want to make some across the body bags for me – but I’m scared of all the metal fastenings – and very impatient!!!!

  5. Oh, I feel your pain. A few years ago my husband plugged the wrong lead into our external harddrive and fried it. It had photos from the first year of my firstborn on it, including his return from hospital and first birthday. I can’t stand to think what else we lost. It breaks my heart every time I think of it. I hope you find new creative fresh air under your wings through your loss. X x

    • Thanks naomi.
      I still haven’t quite come to terms with it – and I’m struggling to fall in love with my new laptop too, if I’m honest – despite it being so much speedier. I miss all my shortcuts and photos and bookmarks and history. And you get used to doing things a certain way – like this laptop doesn’t warn you before you inadvertently close windows you didn’t mean to (which is bloomin’ irritating I can tell you!)

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