pins and needles

modflowers: vintage button cardsI’ve been on Pinterest almost since it started, when it was invite-only and pretty darn quiet.

And I loved it right from the start.

Having a rubbish memory, it acts as my aide-memoire for all sorts of things – recipes, ideas, tips and tutorials.

Not to mention being just the best source of eye-candy I could ever wish for.

modflowers: vintage thread cardSince I joined I’ve pinned 13,705 times – and counting. But I’m lucky in that most of my interests fall reasonably neatly into relatively few categories, so I haven’t felt the need to set up hundreds of boards, like some do.

However, the other day the occasion did arise to set up a new one.

I keep coming across lots of lovely pictures of vintage haberdashery items, or “notions” as friends from Across The Pond quaintly refer to them.

modflowers: vintage cotton reel labelsThey don’t really fit that well on my existing Pinterest boards. I think there is a limit to how many times I should pin the same sort of thing to “random gorgeousness” or “nice things” before they warrant a board of their own.

And so “historical haberdashery” was born. You can check out my new board here.

modflowers: vintage ricracIf you fancy adding a pin or two to my historical haberdashery board, I’d be very glad to welcome them aboard – even if they are pins… of pins!

modflowers: antique pincushionmodflowers: vintage needle bookJust leave me a comment letting me know your Pinterest user name (if you aren’t sure what this is you can check it by going to your Pinterest profile and checking it in the address bar at the top of your computer screen).

modflowers: vintage button cardI’ll then send you an invite to add your best historical haberdashery pins to the board.

Let the pinning begin! ♥


4 thoughts on “pins and needles

  1. I’ve got a photo of some vintage haberdashery bits I rescued from an old sewing case in a junk shop. It’s a bit of a general assemblage, but might fit the bill. I’ll email a screen shot over and you can Pin it if you wish – I suspect it’s not quite decorative enough!

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