itchy stitchy

modflowers: stitchy garden postcard finished So, my stitchy garden postcard is about ready to send off.

I stitched it to some card, so I can write on it like a proper postcard (though I may stick it in an envelope so it doesn’t get dirty on the way).

I just need to decide what exactly to write on the back…modflowers: stitchy garden edge stitchingmodflowers: stitchy garden postcardWhen it was finished, I was left unsatisfied. I was all itchy to get stitchy with another picture…

I have other things I should be doing, but I enjoyed doing this more and didn’t want to wait to do another one.

So I didn’t…

modflowers: stitchy flower vase pictureOut came the scraps bag (even after selling those scrap packs I still have plenty to go at) and off I went.

I wanted to do a flowers-in-a-vase thing, based around those vintage crewel work embroideries you see on pinterest.

But instead of just embroidery, I wanted to mix it up a bit and use a mix of machine and hand embroidery, appliqué, trapunto quilting – and this time, patchwork too.

modflowers: stitchy flower vase picturemodflowers: stitchy flower vase pictureI wanted the background to look like floral curtains, but I’m not sure I succeeded there…

modflowers: stitchy flower vase pictureI tried putting it in a vintage frame that I happened to have in my “frames I will use one day – honest!” box…

modflowers: vintage framemodflowers: stitchy flower vase picturemodflowers: stitchy flower vase pictureI’m not sure I like it with the glass in though.

It sort of squashes it all down flat. I like a bit of texture, so I think I’ll remove it from the frame.

Or maybe find another one with the glass broken (I have a few of those).

I might do something different entirely with the next one. Because I’m not done yet.

My itch for the stitchy picture isn’t fully scratched. ♥


6 thoughts on “itchy stitchy

    • It is already done – in a way… I gave the fabric some sturdiness with thick interfacing on the back (also seals in all those threads!) and then sewed that to cardboard, so it is like a postcard and will stand on a shelf on it’s own without need of a frame.

    • I still have 2 scrap packs left actually Cass – these are they:
      last two scrap packs
      They are £2.50 each, plus £2.50 post & packing (same if you buy one or both). PayPal payment to – if you would like me to send you an invoice, just let me know. x

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