pockets full of joy


Do you remember that I said I intended to stitch some embellished pockets for the skirt I am making in sewing class?

Well, I’ve done it!

As with most things, they took longer than anticipated… but that was mainly due to the problem of deciding exactly what kind of pockets to have and what kind of embellishments to embellish them with.

Deciding the pocket shape was difficult enough, but the embellishment issue was even trickier.

I toyed with lace…
pockets with lace?

I also contemplated ribbon, considered ric-rac and pondered on embroidery – both hand and machine.

However, eventually I returned to my first idea – that green fabric. But what to do with it? AppliquĂ© or piping?

Only one thing to do when you can’t decide. Have both!

pockets7The appliquĂ© isn’t perhaps quite as neat as I’d like. After I’d finished I sort of wished I’d done straight stitching instead of zigzag. But there we are.

I had the piping to get on with and couldn’t be bothered to unpick.

Now, should I pipe all the way round or just across a yoke? Decisions, decisions…

I finally  plumped for piping just the top edge. (Easier than all those fiddly corners).


By the way, if anyone is struggling with pockets and needs a prod in the right direction, take a look at ikat bag’s selection of tutorials. Very useful, and she’s a wonderfully entertaining teacher.

I intend to try out lots of different pocket ideas in future.

Now, there’s just the small matter of making something to attach them to! 😉

2 thoughts on “pockets full of joy

  1. Well done! You should be proud of yourself because making clothes is difficult.

    I studied fashion design and made clothes for many years but I always got frustrated! I much prefer making accessories & homeware…..mostly because the items they are meant for don’t change shape (like our bodies do!)

    Well done and all the best with your skirt!

    Amanda x
    Blossom Fair

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