autumnal blues

modflowers: photo by Vicky HortonI hate the onset of autumn.

I know, I know… I should be looking forward to roasting chestnuts and kicking through fallen leaves, enjoying life’s rich tapestry, the wheel of the year turning and all that. But instead I find that my wheel is flat and my tapestry a bit threadbare.

Yesterday I found it really hard to get motivated.

I should have got shedloads done.

I got home from the morning school run earlier than usual, for one thing. Lad is gradually building up the proportion of the twenty-minute walk that he does on his own – and he sent me back home after about five minutes.

The day when I don’t have to leave the house in the mornings at all approaches imminently. When that day comes, I fear that all motivation to get dressed will have gone and I will instead pupate, having become permanently ensconced in layers of thermal PJs and Ugg boots.

It is turning distinctly chilly, but not yet quite cold enough to warrant putting heating on without guilt. I am currently trying unsuccessfully to ward off the autumnal chill and my grey mood with copious amounts of tea, which leaves me a bit jittery and craving biscuits.

I was also stalled yesterday by having lost the essential bit of plastic I use as a template for making buttons.

Such a little thing, but oh so useful.

vintage fabric buttons by modflowersSomehow this small loss scuppered me more than it should have done.

I will make myself a new one, stop moaning and pick myself up today. ♥

16 thoughts on “autumnal blues

  1. I think I am the reverse of that. I find it hard to knuckle down when the sun is beckoning and am already fired up for Autumn days with me and my machine….black coffee….6 music…..bit of radio 4….choccy bics etc…

    • I just hate the cold, more so as I get older. My joints are seizing up as I write and I feel like hibernating. I wish there was a better balance between warm and cold, weather-wise. It feels like we wait sooo long for summer and it’s over in the blink of an eye and we’re back to grey, cold, wet days for months on end. Bleugh.
      As you can see, I haven’t woken up in a better mood!

  2. Know how you feel! Trying to embrace the change in season by creating a really cosy feel at home which will hopefully lead to lots of creativity! Currently eating porridge listening to Enya, always so soothing 🙂

  3. Oh do pick yourself up. It’s been like that for a lot of people I know around here. Sort of difficult to transition. I love your use of “Scuppered!” &, definitely, I understand the wrench in the works that the loss of one small plastic disc can provide. Ugh!

    Put on a pretty skirt & some lipstick? Make another cup of hot tea & wear your coziest slippers? Whatever makes you feel best, my dear!

    • Thanks Tammy! I’ve had a productive day today, which feels good.
      I think it’s just a question of getting on with things and not allowing myself to get bogged down at the start of the day. Though I don’t like sewing in a cold room. I was going to convert the spare bedroom upstairs to a sewing space, but it needs to stay as a bedroom until after Christmas. I think a small fan heater blowing warmth around my legs may be called for.

  4. Hope you’re feeling brighter soon…I love autumn, and like vintageattitude I struggle with motivation in the summer, when i feel like we should always be out enjoying the sun while it lasts. Now that the days are colder and greyer I suddenly feel inspired to cook and sew and generally nest.

    I do love the mental image of you pupating in thermals and Uggs…magine the beautiful vintage fabric patterned wings that you would emerge with when the sun reappears next year! xx

  5. I am right there in that same boat with you. But my problem is the intense silence, that neither the radio or tv can mask. 🙁 I hope you’re able to perk yourself up! If you can’t, pop in for a visit. I’ll make you something yummy, and you can use my craft room. It’s plenty sunny for now…

    • Ah, I wish I could just pop in Erica! I know what you mean about the silence. I do listen to the radio a lot, but I’m missing my lad, especially now that I won’t be walking him to school in the mornings.

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