no sew

modflowers: Singer exasperation more like!You may remember that I posted recently about my need for the back-up sewing machine, a Singer Inspiration, that I inherited from my partner’s dad.

I have been using it this week whilst my Bernette is at the menders having a little tune-up to investigate why she was skipping stitches.

I’m not using it now.

The Singer Inspiration has become a Singer Exasperation.

The reason I was dreading getting it out in the first place was the poor reviews I stumbled across online. People bemoaning it’s propensity for getting it’s bobbin in a twist.

Which is exactly what the bulbous plastic horror has gone and done.

Over and over again.

I have wasted a lot of thread…

modflowers: tangled threadIt was working fine the day before.

Remember how I said that I tend to think of inanimate objects as having personalities that are innately evil? Well, yet again, it seems I have been proven correct in this assumption.

After lulling me into a false sense of security, for no apparent reason the Singer decided to stop singing and start snarling.

It just turned.

And now, everything I try to sew looks like this – or worse…

modflowers: tangled stitchingI have been patient with it. I gently cleaned out the fluff around the bobbin with it’s little brush.

I rethreaded everything, several times over, using different threads, to see which one it liked best. But it just tangled and wasted all of them.

I fiddled and pfaffed with the tension and changed the needle for a brand new one. I cajoled and I looked online for tips.

It was only after all that that I threatened it with ebay – and finally the bin – and swore at it and called it bad names, honest!

I did manage to refrain from hitting it. That plastic casing looks like it would crack only too easily. Had I not restrained myself I knew that might not have been able to stop until it was a mangled heap of pulverised plastic.

All my efforts and admonishments were to no avail. I am now, effectively, machine-less.

And bereft. I miss my Bernette terribly. She might not be back for another week. That’s if she makes it back in one piece at all. I can only hope.

I have so many projects I need to finish too. And stuff to make for my next stall.

As Dusty would say, I just don’t know what to do with myself.

12 thoughts on “no sew

  1. My very first machine was a singer, and it was awful. It made me hate to sew. My mom had one she hated as well. I have a Pfaff now (Phyllis the Pfaff, if you must know :D) and I’m much happier. Hopefully Bernette will be back to new!

  2. I am surprised that my partner’s dad had one. Well, I’m surprised he had a sewing machine at all to be honest, but what I meant was I’m surprised he didn’t look up any online reviews before he bought a machine – it must have been a relatively recent purchase. It amazes me that Singer manage to sell any machines at all nowadays. All I can say is – anyone thinking of buying a Singer, DON’T!

  3. Just had a call from the sewing machine engineer – he’s going to fit Bernette with a new foot control, but it shouldn’t take long and I may even be able to get her back TODAY!! *dances round room*

  4. Oh how crappy … I have a Singer too and it always does this … I thought it was because I am a novice … maybe I need to save my pennies for a new machine … so glad to hear you’re happy and dancing round the room … hope your old friend makes it back to you today … Bee xx

    • Thanks! Yes, you can tell that’s what it’s doing, it’s a drop-in bobbin so you can actually see it tangling up as you sew! Problem is, I’ve no idea what’s suddenly caused it to go haywire, or how to put it right! Judging from the machine’s reputation, if I were to pay to have it fixed it would likely do it again and I’m not prepared to waste money on it as I don’t like it or really need it (unless Bernette is out of action).
      I’m thinking that maybe it could soon be time to invest in a new spinky spanky machine… hmmm….

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