plodding along

modflowers: christmas angelSometimes I just feel like things don’t go as fast as I’d like them to.

It reminds of the go-carts at a place we used to visit when lad was small. You’d pedal and pedal like billy-oh, but unless you were on the blink-and-it’s-over downhill bit, you never quite got up to an entirely satisfactory speed.

I’ve been feeling like that about my work at the moment. Everything I’m making seems to be taking me far longer than I had expected or hoped.

It’s like one of those dreams where you are running as fast as you can, but it’s like everything is in slo-mo and you don’t seem to be getting anywhere, though you’re not really sure why.

I did manage to get one commission finished and posted off yesterday…

modflowers: christmas angelBut I had hoped to get so much more done this week.

It’s partly down to trying to keep lots of balls in the air at once. Shopping, cooking, helping lad with his cake-stall baking… there seems no end to those little daily distractions. Including the self-inflicted ones.

But I also just seem to be too slow. I just wish I could speed up my stitching.

This little angel is destined for the top of a Christmas tree.

Which is being decorated tomorrow.

modflowers: christmas angelI just hope she reaches her destination in time.

If the Royal Mail is as ploddy as my sewing feels at the moment, she might just make it for New Year. ♥


4 thoughts on “plodding along

  1. She is gorgeous! Reminds me of the actress Helen George (except for the pink hair, which I adore!). The dress fabric is really lovely. Is it vintage? I’m hoping not so I can buy some….

  2. She’s gorgeous! You seem to have been producing so many lovely makes recently – doesn’t seem slow from the outside! But this time of year is crazy – so very many things to do – I think we need to go a bit easy on ourselves – after all, we should be hibernating at this time of year!!!

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