starts and finishes

daisy chain skirtThe skirt, my first venture into the world of dressmaking, is finally finished.

I wore it to sewing class, just to prove that I had actually finished it, and not shoved it to the back of a cupboard for twenty years.

Which was the fate that befell my previous attempt at making an item of clothing.

So now it is time to start a new project. Hooray!

I have always been more of a starter than a finisher. Even my newly “finished” skirt has a couple of jobs still to do on it before it is properly finished (a hook and eye, a few stitches in the waistband facing).

So, I am currently very happy and enthused at this, the exciting, “here we go!” stage of proceedings.

You may remember that I said I was going to make this frock.

Well… I lied. Due to my fortuitously stumbling upon a suitable pattern in a charity shop, I am going to make this frock instead:

more adventures in dressmakingOn Sunday, I suddenly realised that to make a frock, I had to first make a decision, about fabric.

Which for me, was obviously not a five-minute job.

As this is to be my first frock foray, I thought I would use fabric that, should my skills prove wanting, I would not cry over too much.

So, after much deliberation, and measuring, and mirror-gazing draped in fabric, picturing as-yet-imaginary frocks, I decided to use an impulse-buy from a year or two ago.

frock fabricA very large cotton throw, bought exceedingly cheaply in an Urban Outfitters sale. It was going to be a tablecloth, but it didn’t look right in the kitchen. So it got fabric-stashed instead.

Now it’s moment has come.

Hopefully, I will not look as though I am wearing a tablecloth.

more adventures in dressmaking2I cut out and added interfacing today. I now have darts and things to mark out in tailor tacks, ready for next lesson. Mind working overtime, I asked my teacher which of the numerous pattern markings I could dispense with.

Just to make the job a little easier and quicker. Just so I’m less likely to get bogged down in the process.

What can I say? I’m a starter…

But I’m optimistic that, as Magnus Magnusson used to say; I’ve started, so I’ll finish. 🙂

14 thoughts on “starts and finishes

  1. Gosh that skirt looks amazing – so wish I had one! And I think that dress will be great too, I don’t think you’ll look like you are wearing a tablecloth! x

    • Thank you! Having seen your fabulous re-fashions that is high praise indeed! I thought wearing it with black would minimise the risk of looking like someone’s curtains got up and took a walk 😉

  2. Wonderful skirt, love it!! I am so like you, start many things and few rarely get finished. I get bored of the tiny finishing off details and am always looking for the quick way to do things.

    • Thank you!
      So true! My worst example recently was when, the night before my last stall, I was packing cushions and found two that I had pinned, then forgotten to sew up after stuffing! Oops!

      • I still have Christmas decorations that just need a few stitches in them to finish that i just turn around so you can’t see the pin. Every year I think I will stitch them up before they go back up in the loft. It didn’t happen this year 😉

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