stupid and useless

modflowers: stupid and uselessWhen I was quite a small child I had no notion of the concept of feeling stupid and useless. In fact, I remember that I once told my Dad that I was going to learn everything.

The statement may sound bombastic, but it didn’t come from arrogance. It came from a feeling that I was interested in everything, and nothing was beyond my grasp. I had no conception of things being too difficult, or my not being capable, or things being not interesting enough to be worth learning – I was going to learn about everything just because it was there.

Well, that was then – and this is now.

In my previous post you may remember I mentioned that the photo editor I had been using on my computer didn’t work any more and that I needed to find a replacement. So, I’ve since embarked on free trials of two other photo editors to see what they do, how they do it and whether it’s what I need them to do. So far, so sensible.

When I signed up I felt a bit like I did when I was a child. I had the enthusiasm to learn. I had confidence that my intellect, knowledge and previous experience gained over the past few years of making my photographs look good, would all stand me in good stead. I knew what layers were, and masks, and tools and vectors. Yes, I would need to watch some tutorials and figure a few things out. But none of that seemed beyond the grasp of any reasonably intelligent person.

Well, that was then – and this is now.

modflowers: stupid and uselessI tried Pixelmator Pro first. There were some similarities with the basic editor I had previously been using, but there were also a lot of differences. I did not get very far launching into exploring its capabilities under my own steam.

So I googled some tutorials. But I couldn’t find any that told me how to do exactly what I wanted to do. Which was no more than what I’d already been doing, quite successfully, for a good few years.

I managed to work out how to do some very basic edits, but my limited knowledge and skills meant that my results weren’t that good – certainly not as good as before.

Then my ten days of free trial ran out.

So I signed up for three months of Affinity Photo. “How generous!” I thought. Three whole months of top-notch photo editing for free!

However, I now realise that the reason they give you three months is that the app is so unfathomably complicated that as a beginner you would need at least that long just to get the hang of it. In my case, after a week’s worth of applying myself fully to the task, it feels like even if I studied 24/7 for the whole of that three months, I would still be utterly unable to use it.

I’ve tried searching for tutorials for beginners. The ones that the app itself provides are not exactly beginner-friendly and are definitely not aimed at the stupid and useless amongst us. I’ve got about as far as being able to open and save a file. That’s if I look it up beforehand each time, because it’s not obvious from looking at the thing and my brain does not seem to want to retain this information. I think it’s been traumatised.

I’ve tried taking “tours” of the app. But it seems that I am destined to always be that person in the anorak at the back of the group, who turns around only to find that the room is empty and they have been left all alone, utterly and completely lost.modflowers: stupid and uselessI’ve tried those tutorials that take you through how to do a particular editing thing step by step. Except that when they say “use the ‘whatever’ tool”, I don’t know how. They just assume that I do. And then there they are, merrily using the ‘whatever’ tool and making it do what they want it to, right before my very eyes. I’m rewinding and watching the same few seconds of the same tutorial over and over again and zooming in and trying to do the same as they do and STILL not being able to work out how to do it. And that’s if I can even find the blooming ‘whatever’ tool in the first place.

I can say categorically that not since my horrible managerial job ten years ago has anything else I’ve done made me feel quite so spectacularly stupid and useless.

There have been tears, I can tell you.

Is it just me? I’m not a technophobe. Have I got stupider and more useless as I’ve got older? Other people seem to manage to learn how to use these things. How do they do it? Can someone enlighten me please?

I’m off now to go and do something else. Something that I am good at. I am in need of reclaiming some of my self esteem.

Stupid and useless? A fitting description for those editing apps.

Not me. ♥

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10 thoughts on “stupid and useless

  1. I know exactly what you mean Sharon. I also tried to get photo-apps and tutorials to learn how I can use them. No chance. I also find myself stupid making no progress. But I know as you say I am not. Sometimes I think the makers of these apps and programs live in higher spheres. They can’t imagine that there are users not able to follow.
    I like your blog!
    And I like the creative things you do.
    Yours Marion
    P.S… sorry for my unperfect English. I don’t use this language so often.

    • Your English is perfect Marion! I am hopeless at languages (and have never studied German) so any attempt by me at communicating in another language would be incomprehensible!

  2. It sounds as if you’re already a million miles ahead of me. I just use the very simple tools that come with Photos on my MacBook. Before that, I used to use PicMonkey, before they started charging quite large amounts of money. I know there are millions of glorious things you can do in Photoshop but my brain is too lame and I am now too old to learn the new tricks I’d need. And to be honest, I’m OK with my photos, which are kindy-level compared with your extremely lovely and beautiful ones. So do persist until you find something human- (as opposed to geek-) friendly. Because you definitely AREN’T s & u.

    • Thanks! It’s so frustrating going from editing like a pro to being a complete beginner! Everything takes soooooooo looooooong to work out. And then I don’t remember how to do it again when I go back to it next time!
      I thought about paying for PicMonkey, as I also used to use it before it went paid-only, but unfortunately I don’t really make enough money at the moment to justify the expense every month (I’d need the more “pro” version to get the tools I really want).
      If I buy Pixelmator it will cost me the equivalent of less than 4 months of using PicMonkey. I just need to find a course or something to get me over the “beginner’s hump”! Or find someone I can ask how to do the main things I want to do.

  3. I’ve always thought your images were lovely. You are not alone in your frustration with this, and you are NOT stupid, nor useless. That was a good call to step away and nurture your ego with other things you can count on. In doing so, your will to try again will resurface. Is it possible to do a “screen share” lesson with a computer/photography pro in your area? Stay the task. You’ll get there.

    • I have a zoom get-together with a few other artists later this week, so I’m going to ask them if they can suggest any resources. At least one of my peers in the group uses Affinity, so maybe she can be of help! Otherwise I think I’m going to purchase the editor I tried before, which seemed more intuitive to use. I was at least making a little headway with it before my free trial period ran out!

  4. My daughter Annie got a new phone and was having problems with it so she called the help desk. After they gave her a complicated spiel on its features, Annie interrupts them politely and in her squeaky mouse voice asks..”can you tell me how to turn it on” please. We still laugh about that. Too much tech stuff!

    • That’s brilliant! I had the same problem with a laptop we bought years ago – we looked everywhere but we couldn’t find the “on” button! In the end we had to ask a friend!

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