
trimsI have to admit it, I’m a bit of a trim-aholic.

So when I spotted a multi-coloured scraps-and-trims de-stash listing on Etsy recently, I just couldn’t resist.

trimsThey’re only tiny bits, but perfect for pockets!

giant ric rac trimThe only problem is, there’s only enough giant yellow ric rac for one pocket, not two.

So I think the pockets on my skirt-in-progress might end up being a bit of a mix & match affair, rather than identical twins.

One happy surprise though, I found something in my button jar that I forgot I had…

apple buttonBought on the other side of the world from the fabric, and over a year before my apple skirt was even a twinkle in my eye, it’s funny how things come together.

Some trims are just meant to be. ♥

10 thoughts on “trim-triminy

  1. Trim triminy indeed. Strange how many times similar has happened to me!…..we are magpies but coordinated ones maybe?….this is also why I can never throw anything away,no matter how small. Arrrgh! X

    • I do have throwing-away clear-outs from time to time, but sometimes I do regret throwing stuff out. The other day I binned a bit of white cotton that had been on the floor and got dirty. I thought “it’s too small to wash and keep”. Then the next day I needed a bit of scrap cotton to practise a machine buttonhole on!

  2. That apple button brings back memories. I’m sure I had the exact same ones on the pockets of a skirt growing up in the 70s, Perth, Western Australia 😀

  3. Pingback: scrap-a-rama | modflowers ✿

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