chair envy

modflowers: tweetie cushions at Marias3 570Yesterday I took some of my cushions for an afternoon out.

It was only around the corner from home, but it made the world of difference.

I’d got bored of photographing my cushions in my house, on my chairs.

And as I happen to know someone with some very nice chairs, upon which I thought said cushions might look quite photogenic, I asked if I could come round and take a few snaps.

modflowers: golden cushion on an EamesUnfortunately, I managed to pick a day and a time when it decided to become almost apocalyptically dark, as a storm brewed outside.

And my smaller cushions kept sliding down the Ernest Race Antelope chairs’ smooth seats…

modflowers: Ernest Race Antelope ChairsSo I couldn’t really get the best out of my location shoot.

Still, I think the tweeties enjoyed nestling on a new perch for a change.

modflowers: tweetie cushions at Marias1 570

And I enjoyed a cup of tea and a natter with Maria and Anna, who had also popped round, to try on vintage clothes from Maria’s impressive stash.

Maybe I’ll have to come back another time, on a brighter day, with some bigger cushions.

Any excuse. ♥

6 thoughts on “chair envy

  1. Haha! What a brilliant idea! I must admit I’m getting a little sick of photographing my crochet in the very small areas of the house that get any light. Maybe they too need to go on an adventure. Lovely photos 🙂

    • Thank you! I recommend a spot of location shooting. I’m now wondering whether there are any cafes in town with good light and photogenic chairs that would let me take a few cushion shots in return for a mention…

  2. That’s so fun! I would love some new chairs, but my husband likes nothing other than ‘man couches.’ (You know the big puffy, reclining ones with cup holders and heated backs.) *gag* I told him we could get one, and if we do, I will use it to my fullest advantage to get things he hates for the rest of the house. 😀 lol

    Your pictures are still cheery despite the grey. You should sell your matryoshkas in your etsy store (hint hint) 🙂

    • Haha, man couches are the pits! We have a two-seater sofa (from the bargain corner in Ikea) which serves as our man couch in the living room. Thankfully it is bland and cream and I can wash the covers on it as frequently as spillages require.
      I am going to be stocking up the Etsy shop at the end of the week!

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