
modflowers: "flourishing" textile artI came back from my business advice session today tired, but full of enthusiasm.

The long walk up the hill in the heat of the day made my legs feel like lead.

But armed with a head full of finance tips and surrounded by the glories of the park on the last perfect English summer day before it fills with children, it was more than bearable.

It was tempting to lie down for a nap when I got home.

But instead, after a cup of Earl Grey, I started a new picture.

modflowers: "flourishing" textile artmodflowers: "flourishing" textile artThe word “flourishing” popped into my head.

So that’s what it will be called. ♥

3 thoughts on “flourishing

    • Basically to stop limiting myself, to not be afraid to try things in case I fail/they’re not perfect, and to believe in myself as a designer-maker /textile artist, instead of trying to second-guess what people might want!
      You would think I’d know this already but somehow it helps to have someone else say it!

      • Nothing like a bit of validation to boost your confidence! For what it’s worth, I’m quite glad you’re so far away, or I’d be spending quite noticeable amounts of money relieving you of some of your stuff…

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