tea and biscuits

biscuit pocket mirrorsI am a big fan of a cup of tea and a biscuit, as regular readers will probably already know.

In fact, one of my favourite interweb sites for whiling away a happy half hour or so with a cup of tea and a biscuit by my side is NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown.com, a fantastic repository for all things tea-and-biscuit-related.

Do pop over and check it out if you are also that way inclined.

Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down by Nicey and Wifey

Whilst I try for the sake of my waistline not to go too biscuit crazy, I tend to concur with the slogan they used in the advert for Rich Tea biscuits some years back: “a drink’s too wet without one”.

So those little lovelies at the top of the page are hard to resist… especially as they are totally calorie-free.

The reason for this is that they are actually pocket mirrors, rather than delicious, crunchy beverage-accompaniments!

I broke my pocket mirror the other day by unwisely propping it on the bathroom windowsill to examine a blemish close-up. I watched helplessly as it slid onto the stone floor and smashed. I hope it doesn’t signal seven years bad luck.

Woe was me until I ordered a replacement:

pocket mirrorsI’ve bagsied that one with the red flower, bottom middle, from Rachel at My Rainbow Vintage Home, who makes them.

If I hadn’t, I’d certainly be after one of those biscuity numbers from Steph Baxter’s Happy Pencil Etsy shoppe.

After all, they are just so sweet! ♥

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