the ballad of april fête

modflowers stall

At Langar Hall I had a stall
Up at the April Fete.
The people came in thousands and the time they had was great.
Granny Turismo whizzed round on their gizmos
And made us all laugh with delight
The pizzas were tasty, though the queue wasn’t hasty –
And so get one I didn’t, quite…

The kids had a ball, up near the Hall,
They bounced until they were worn out
Then they modelled balloons, watched the band (out of tune!)
And thoroughly loved it all.

The wind blew a gale, my cake was quite stale
But still I remained pretty mellow…
Though I have to confess, my head was a mess
Spending hours in light that was YELLOW!

yellow big top collageGranny Turismo at April Fetecakesbouncy castleantiques booth at Langar Hallthe bandteas on the lawn at Langar Hallmodflowers stall at Langar fete

3 thoughts on “the ballad of april fête

  1. Pingback: patchwork pretties | modflowers ✿

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