what’s the point of that?

modflowers: dishcloth doodle flowerThat was what my partner asked me, when I bought a fancy dishcloth.

It wasn’t even that fancy – it only cost £1 from Tiger in Luton – but it had a pattern on it.

Oh, and I also bought a couple of fancy scrubby sponges (in the shape of fish) to go with it. He couldn’t see the point of those, either.

modflowers: dishcloth flowersWe don’t have a dishwasher. And I do quite a lot of washing up.

So anything that makes it a bit more pleasant (and looks pretty by the sink) is ok by me.

Like this selection from Jangneus, an online emporium selling dishcloths and tea towels (amongst other things), all with a certain Scandi style.

dishcloth heartdishcloth leaves dishcloth robinsFancy dishcloths. They may not be one of life’s essentials.

But that’s not the point, is it?

Why have plain when you can have fancy? ♥


4 thoughts on “what’s the point of that?

  1. I so get it! I have many a tea towel that never sees a wet dish, only because I know someone would swab spilled coffee off the floor with it. But I got some similar dishcloths last spring and love having an owl in a tree or a scandinavian design of a tree to see while washing up the dishes. All of mine are in pretty bad shape now. I think I need to be on the lookout for a new batch. I love yours! Sorry I haven’t been commenting lately….(or blogging). Crazy busy August and September. Hoping to get reconnected with all my fav blogs and maybe even write something on mine in October. Sending love. -S

    • Hi Sue! Pretty crazy busy myself at the moment! Joined the gym today – determined to get fit and strong so I can cope with this winter better and enjoy my trip to Oz.
      Take care of yourself, don’t overdo it and good luck finding some new pretty dishcloths x

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