stash stories ♥ day one

modflowers: stash storiesAs you read this I will be on my way to France for a spot of rest and relaxation – exciting!

But I didn’t want you to think that I’d forgotten my loyal blog readers. So I decided to set up a holiday project.

A series of posts that will run whilst I’m away.

Stash stories. Something for the lazy, sunny summer days.

A fabric a day from my stash, with it’s story. Some more interesting than others, depending on the fabric!

So here it is, the first of my stash stories. To start with, a bit of paisley perfection.

Appropriately enough, this fabric has been with me since the very start.

modflowers: stash storiesIt is still just about recognisable as a dress with a ric rac trim, though it has had big chunks cut out of it.

The dress once belonged to my nanna. I still remember her wearing it.

Nanna lived with us, so she was a big presence in my childhood.

modflowers: stash storiesNanna made the paisley dress herself, on her old Singer hand-crank machine.

She used to make mine and my sister’s dresses too, when we were little. I remember lots of gingham. And florals, of course. She made lots of dresses. One even had matching pants – which I liked to show people, as I was proud of them.

I think Nanna might’ve stopped making pants after that.

Nanna was the first person I ever saw sewing. She planted a seed in me that grew.

She died many years ago, having suffered dementia and forgotten who I was.

So this fabric is special to me.

I have used bits of it for buttons, and in my first patchwork quilt, but I think I will always keep a little of it in my stash.

Just as there will always be a little of Nanna with me. ♥

modflowers: stash stories

5 thoughts on “stash stories ♥ day one

  1. What a lovely story – it’s amazing the way fabric can hold memories and stories like that. My first piece of patchwork has some of my mum’s old dresses, and pieces of fabric she used for a dress for me, and they remind me of sunny childhood days. My children have caught the idea and sometimes ask me to put away something that no longer fits them, so we can make a family quilt one day soon.
    Looking forward to reading about more of your stash 🙂

  2. A gorgeous post … grandmothers are so very precious … and having this fabric is a lovely way to remember her … Bee xx

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